Join the Journey

Each month I publish a monthly status report detailing my sales, marketing efforts, and how I'm feeling about the journey I'm on with the book. It's exclusive to Think Better Newsletter subscribers, so sign up to know when future updates are available and accessible.

I do also intend to publish occasional updates about self-publishing, from the tools I use to the strategies I'm pursuing. I'll link to those here as well.

Sign up for the Think Better Newsletter today!

Think Better Newsletter

Read previous editions of my weekly newsletter: One idea, one system, one question, in one email per week.

Goals, Tools, and Strategies:

#1: My Goals for Make the Leap

How 'The One Thing' Connects North Star Goals to Next Step Goals (including this as we discussed Make the Leap sales strategy)

Monthly Updates:

October sales for Make the Leap

Month 1: January '21 progress report (1st month!)